The 1973 novel was written by Kobo Abe and follows a nameless man who gives up his identity to live with a large cardboard box over his head, encountering a range of characters as he wanders the streets of Tokyo。...
乔什·杜哈明、艾比·考尼什、尼克·诺特([勇士])、奥马尔·查帕罗([大侦探皮卡丘])将主演动作惊悚片[封锁](Blackout,暂译)。Sam Macaroni执导,Van B. Nguyen操刀剧本。该片讲述凯恩(杜哈明饰)在墨西哥的医院醒来,什么都不记得了。在遇到安娜(考尼什饰)后,他终于知道自己是谁。但他很快发现,自己要为自己的生命而战,因为几个敌对的卡特尔派系都来攻击他,每个派系都在寻找他所偷的东西。凯恩向同事兼导师、缉毒局探员麦考伊(诺特饰)寻求答案。该片正在墨西哥城拍摄中。...
Malina wakes up disoriented in the trunk of a speeding car and discovers to her horror that she is missing more than her memory. With her mobile phone as the only link to the outside world, she wages a desperate battle for survival....